Serving Monroe County’s highest risk kids and their families since 1999.
What is A Positive Step?
A Positive Step of Monroe County, Inc. (APSMC) is a community based non-profit organization dedicated to serving the highest risk youth and their families in the Florida Keys. APSMC also seeks to identify unmet needs within our community, and to provide innovative evidence based services to meet those needs. Our ultimate goal is to improve outcomes for the juveniles and families we serve while protecting the public by reducing juvenile crime and dependency in Florida.
Why do our programs matter?
Thanks to the Keys Open Door Foundation, A Positive Step of Monroe County has been able to provide additional support to some of the organization’s Southernmost Fatherhood Initiative Program participants. Learn more about our fill in the gaps program during this trying time.

“All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual.”
— Albert Einstein
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